Libby Doyle
author : Libby Doyle
Libby Doyle escapes real life by writing extravagant tales, filled with adventure, sex, and violence. When not tapping away at her fiction, she's been known to work as an attorney and a journalist. Libby loves absurd humor, travel, hiking, and punk rock. She is the author of The Covalent Series, an epic science fantasy in five parts. \n\nWriting novels is Libby's latest adventure in a life that has been filled with them. She knows she's a lucky woman, to have so many memories feeding her imagination.\n\nShe's stood atop a hill in Connemara in a cold wind, watching sunlight sparkle off the pristine sea below. She's crested a trail after a grueling hike to find the glory of the Continental Divide spread before her. She's been followed by a howler monkey in a Mexican jungle, shared a midday meal with Buddhist monks in Korea, and been bruised by a martial arts test in Japan. She's trekked for days among the Himalayas, mountains so high and timeless they made her feel completely insignificant, a wonderful feeling.\n\nShe's married to a man who is funny and kind and patient enough to welcome her characters into their lives. Libby feels like they're her friends. She's confident they'll keep you entertained. Through her fanciful tales, she hopes they speak to you. \n\nFor ALL things Libby Doyle, including a collection of free short fiction, visit